Supplier Code of Conduct — Indevin New Zealand


Indevin Group Limited and its related companies (Indevin) are committed to sourcing products and services from suppliers (Suppliers) who provide safe working conditions, treat workers with respect and dignity and conduct business in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. To meet the expectations of our customers, the community and legal requirements, Indevin endeavours to consistently operate responsibly and expects the same from its Suppliers.


This Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) applies to all Suppliers, including their parent, subsidiaries, affiliates and subcontractors, who provide products or services to Indevin (Representatives). Suppliers must make their Representatives (including subcontractors) aware of this Code.



Indevin requires all Suppliers to abide by the following standards as a minimum:

(1)   Labour and Human Rights

Suppliers must:

•         respect human rights, including those relating to modern slavery;

•         not discriminate in any manner on the basis of race, ethnic background, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability;

•         ensure all workers are voluntarily employed, lawfully entitled to work at that location and not under any form of forced, coerced, bonded, indentured or involuntary labour;

•         not employ children in violation of the applicable national and international laws where the entity is conducting business;

•         respect the rights of all workers to associate freely on a voluntary basis, seek representation, join or not join labour unions and bargain collectively as they choose in accordance with local law;

•         ensure that workers receive wages and worker benefits that comply with all applicable local laws and are not subject to wage deductions as a disciplinary measure;

•         respect the privacy rights of all workers, including whenever personal information is collected, stored, used or shared, and with respect to any employee monitoring practices;

•         allow all workers to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions and human rights without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment in accordance with local laws and in any event in a manner that respects basic rights of open communication, direct engagement and humane and equitable treatment; and

•         respectfully acknowledge the past, present and emerging traditional owners and custodians of the land of the indigenous people and respect their culture and identity.

(2)   Health and Safety

Suppliers must:

•         ensure the health and safety of all workers and ensure compliance with all applicable health and safety laws;

•         develop and maintain sound health and safety management policies, practices and management systems;

•         use a proactive approach in establishing and maintaining standards of safety, health, environmental and occupational health management, including implementation of emergency response program that addresses the most likely anticipated emergencies;

•         make a copy of their health and safety policies available to all workers and provide all workers with appropriate workplace health and safety training; and

•         ensure that its employees receive regular and recorded safety and health training and such training shall be repeated for new or reassigned workers.

(3)   Environmental Sustainability

Suppliers must:

•         act in accordance with the principles of product stewardship. In this connection, Indevin and Supplier shall share relevant knowledge and expertise;

•            do all that is reasonable and practicable to implement an emergency response program that addresses the most likely anticipated emergencies

•         use a proactive approach in establishing and maintaining standards of environmental management including regular monitoring and verification of progress toward environmental objectives or targets;

•         maintain and comply with all required environmental permits, approvals and registrations;

•         establish/have established a procedure in accordance with applicable legislation for the safe handling, storing, transportation, utilisation and disposal of waste;

•         establish and maintain programmes to ensure visibility and control of inputs into their manufacture from other sources;

•         establish energy management programmes to reduce energy usage and/or increase renewable sources where possible; and

•         actively pursue opportunities for continuous improvement and development of process efficiencies in environmental improvements, product and service delivery.

(4)   Ethical Business Practices

Suppliers must:

•         operate in full compliance with international, national and local laws and regulations applicable to their business operations and obtain all necessary permits;

•         conduct business in accordance with all applicable laws, including those relating to competition, fair trading, privacy, anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism;

•         reject any restriction to free trade other than duly enacted national and international laws;

•         not accept, offer or permit to be accepted or offered, nor offer to Indevin or Indevin employees, any bribe, kickback, favour, gift, prize, hospitality, entertainment or other means of obtaining or attempting to obtain undue or improper advantage or favourable treatment;

•         disclose any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest to Indevin, including any employee or contractor of Indevin who may have a financial or other interest of any kind in the Supplier’s business;

•         maintain accurate and complete records appropriate to our business relationship;

•         disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest when an individual or company has a private or personal interest which could appear to influence their decisions; and

•         conduct periodic audits covering essential business practices.

(5)   Compliance reviews:

Indevin may conduct audits of the Supplier’s compliance with this Code or Indevin may select suppliers to complete a self assessment questionnaire.  The audit may be undertaken as part of the regular supplier audits or may be a separate sustainability audit. The main goal of the audit is to build a sustainable relationship with our supplier. These audits may result in the development and implementation of jointly agreed improvement plans. 

Indevin recognises that Suppliers are essential partners in helping Indevin achieve its business objectives, and Indevin will work with its Suppliers to ensure awareness of, and compliance with, this Code.